Friday 27 May 2011

Growth without gain?

On 27 May the Resolution Foundation launched its first report to the Commission on Living Standards.

Some of Britain’s leading economic thinkers came together to discuss whether the UK is moving into a new era of growth without gain for those on low to middle incomes.

Chairing the event was Channel 4 News Economics Editor, Faisal Islam. James Plunkett and Prof. Steve Machin, described the economic context in which we’re living and outlined the challenges and Diane Coyle and Will Hutton, provided a response and prompted some interesting comments and questions from the audience.

You can download the full report and some of the slides shown at the event below.

“It paints the detail behind some of the feelings I have had as an economics reporter over the past ten years that things weren’t quite right in the economy. Despite the supposed boom people weren’t really feeling it. It presents a spectacularly detailed look at what might have gone wrong, and makes some explanations without being too pointed. Make sure you go and read it” 

(Faisal Islam, Economics Editor, Channel 4 news)

“There is a big new question facing the country which this report identifies, the importance of which is hard to underestimate”

(Will Hutton, Executive Vice Chair, The Work Foundation)