Monday 18 March 2019

Looming crisis or new opportunity? Skilling the nation in Brexit Britain

Raising skill-levels boosts pay, productivity and ultimately living standards. And yet the pace of growth in educational attainment has stalled – with a slowdown in people progressing to mid- and higher-level qualifications, and many firms reporting damaging skills shortages.

Who has benefitted from investment in skills over the last 20 years, and who has been left behind? Where are the skill shortages today? And does Brexit represent a historic opportunity to fix Britain’s longstanding skills failures, or a looming crisis that could hurt firms and limit growth?

At an event at its headquarters, the Resolution Foundation presented its first comprehensive audit of skills in the UK. A panel of experts from across business, academia and education, chaired by Lord David Willetts, discussed the report’s findings and what needs to be done to drive skill development in the UK.


Sam Gyimah MP, former Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation

Kirstie Donnelly, Managing Director of City & Guilds

Professor Andy Westwood, Professor of Government Practice and Vice Dean of Humanities at the University of Manchester

Dr Kathleen Henehan, Research and Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation

(Chair) Lord David Willetts, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation