Analysis and action on living standards
Resolution Ventures exists to back innovative start-ups seeking to change the world of work for the better, and early-stage ventures seeking to improve the prospects of low-to-middle income Britain.
Our Ventures activity spans social investment, creating communities and networks of ventures and stakeholders in the areas we care about, and pioneering action-oriented research that bridges the gaps between RF analysis and practical solutions.
The Workertech Partnership is a new three year programme of social investment, support and convening to support and grow new social ventures; to create a Workertech ecosystem; and to create better working lives. It is backed by the Resolution Foundation, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Friends Provident Foundation, Accenture, Ufi VocTech Trust and Trust for London.
Find out more about how we’re backing a new wave of innovators who will harness technology to improve the prospects, power and choices of workers.
We’re seeking an Impact and Learning Partner for the Workertech Partnership, a programme of social investment to support technology ventures improving low-paid work.
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