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Low Pay

For much of the last two decades, around one-in-five workers across Britain have been low paid – earning below two-thirds of the median hourly wage. Our work looks at changes in Britain’s low pay landscape, and the factors and levers that help people escape low pay, or get stuck in it. We also publish research on the impact of the real Living Wage, as part of our wider work on the labour market.


Nye Cominetti

Principal Economist
T: 0203 372 2963

Hannah Slaughter

Senior Economist
T: 0203 372 2903

Setting a high bar

Celebrating 25 years of the minimum wage, and plotting its next path

The introduction of the minimum wage back in April 1999 was a controversial policy choice, with businesses warning that it would lead to widespread job losses. But 25 years on,…
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Narrowing the youth gap

Exploring the impact of changes to the minimum wage on the incidence of low pay among young people


In the Autumn Statement last month, the Chancellor announced big changes to the minimum wage. Alongside the announcement that the adult-rate minimum wage (the ‘National Living Wage’, or NLW) will…
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The Innovation Job

Can new labour market institutions drive good work?

Nationally set minimum standards – from the minimum wage to holiday pay – make a real difference to the quality of low-paid work. But these reforms can only go so…
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Low Pay Britain 2023

Improving low-paid work through higher minimum standards


After a decade and a half of relative economic decline, Britain needs a new economic strategy. And good work must be at its heart – an explicit goal, not a…
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Good work

How to renew the UK’s economic strategy and put better jobs at its heart

The minimum wage has more than halved the share of low paid workers across Britain over the past two decades. This is a huge success – but it is far…
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Who cares?

The experience of social care workers, and the enforcement of employment rights in the sector


The social care sector, as well as playing a vital role for many people and for our society, is an important employer, with 1.7 million social care jobs across the…
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Constrained choices

Understanding the prevalence of part-time work among low-paid workers in the UK


This is the fifth output from the Resolution Foundation which contributes to the Young person’s future health inquiry. It discusses the concentration of part-time work among low-paid workers (including young…
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Clocking in and out

Is choice or circumstance driving part-time work among low earners?

Working hours, not just hourly pay rates, are a key determinant of living standards. Historically, men have tended to work more paid hours than women, with working hours for both…
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