Renting in the dark


Tenants are being let down by an unregulated lettings market, with significant upfront costs, variable fees and a lack of transparency around charges. In a mystery shopping exercise of letting agents in three cities, the range and type of fees charged varied significantly; for example, administrative fees ranged from £95 to £375. Unlike estate agents, letting … Continued

Meeting the housing needs of low-to-middle earners


Increasingly shut out of home ownership and social housing, low-to-middle earners are becoming more reliant on the private rental sector to provide an affordable, long-term home. In order to help address this Resolution Foundation is working on a project to develop a model to support institutional investment in family friendly, affordable, build-to-let accommodation with longer … Continued

Submission: memorandum to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on the impact of the changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 Budget


This memorandum to the Work and Pensions Select Committee summarises the current position of low earners in the housing market and draws upon the Foundation’s recent research into low earners’ experiences of the private rented sector to highlight a number of potential implications of the Government’s announcements.

Submission: Resolution Foundation response to HMT consultation, ‘Investment in the UK private rented sector’


This briefing sets out our response to Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) consultation on addressing barriers to investment in the private rented sector (PRS). It explains that we welcome the consultation: the PRS which has, until recently, received little attention from the policy or research world, plays an important role in particular for low earning households, who are … Continued

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