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Real household disposable incomes (both before and after housing costs) are the core metric by which we assess people’s living standards. Virtually all of our work ultimately relates to incomes, but we also focus in on how incomes levels change, how the composition of incomes evolves and how best to measure these key trends.



Adam Corlett

Principal Economist
T: 020 3372 2983

Alex Clegg


The Living Standards Outlook 2024


This is our sixth annual Living Standards Outlook. It provides an assessment of incomes, poverty and inequality as things stand in 2024-25, and projections up to 2029-30 using economic forecasts…
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Five takeaways from new living standards data


The annual release of DWP’s Households Below Average Income (HBAI) figures is far less timely than other economic indicators and, as it is based on survey data, it is noisy.…
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Narrowing the youth gap

Exploring the impact of changes to the minimum wage on the incidence of low pay among young people


In the Autumn Statement last month, the Chancellor announced big changes to the minimum wage. Alongside the announcement that the adult-rate minimum wage (the ‘National Living Wage’, or NLW) will…
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Rising rents and rebounding wages

Where is Britain’s cost-of-living crisis heading?

Inflation is down, but Britain’s cost-of-living crisis is still very much with us. The legacy of previous price rises for energy and food are now combining with a new pressure:…
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Flat pay, little wealth and a shrinking safety net. Whatever happened to the millennials?

What does the Intergenerational Audit say about UK Millennials


Recently, there’s been good news for millennials from across the pond where the latest data suggests their living standards are catching up with (and on some measures surpassing) previous generations.…
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Falling pay, divergent data and a bulging middle.


The ONS has published its 2023 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), taken in April this year. ASHE is a big survey of employers that provides a detailed picture…
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From safety net to springboard

Designing an unemployment insurance scheme to protect living standards and boost economic dynamism


Losing your job in Britain is a very risky business. Low levels of out-of-work benefits are rarely an adequate safety net for those who experience job loss, and workers in…
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