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Childcare can be a key component of a family’s outgoings, and the cost and availability of childcare can also have a huge impact on the hours people work, or whether they work at all. Our work focuses on the design and funding of formal childcare, and what this means for household’s work choices and disposable incomes.


Mike Brewer

Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Economist
T: 0203 372 2975

Lalitha Try

T: 0203 372 2946

Mums hold the key to getting Britain working again

Boosting workforce participation in the 2020s


Britain has built up a lot of economic problems over the past 15 years – weak investment and productivity growth, contributing to an unprecedented pay squeeze and stagnating living standards. But…
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Inconsistent Incentives

How the overlap between Universal Credit and the High Income Child Benefit Charge limits work incentives


It is well known that some groups in the UK face high effective tax rates, but the most punitive rates of personal tax arise in a situation that has been…
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A welcome boost for ‘just about managing’ families in Scotland


Yesterday started with a bleak assessment by the Child Poverty Action Group of the impact of ongoing welfare cuts – specifically how the two-child limit on support, which began to…
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CB40: Happy 40th birthday to child benefit! But will it last another twenty?


Yesterday, the minimum wage celebrated its 20th birthday. Today, child benefit is having a 40th birthday bash. But, as this analysis shows, it’s become a somewhat modest affair, with (record)…
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How big is the gender parenting gap, and is it improving?


A lot has been written about the gender pay gap, with the typical hourly pay of women in full-time work 9 per cent below that of men – down from…
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A history lesson wouldn’t hurt – at least when it comes to child poverty


This blog originally appeared on Times Red Box.  A few years back there was an outbreak of national angst about no one studying history any more. The House of Lords…
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A hat-trick of childcare policies are being rolled out this Autumn. But is the current approach an expensive own goal?


Childcare support is all the rage. As well as being the focus of one of the key policy announcements at Labour Conference this week, the government is rolling out not…
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Childcare is a new election battleground, so why do none of the parties get it?


We have lost our way on childcare. No party has set out a vision for where we are trying to get as a country. Parties compete on who can invest…
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