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Budgets and fiscal events

The UK’s major fiscal events – Budgets, Spring Statements and Spending Reviews – provide the Chancellor with an opportunity to shape Britain’s political economy through major policy announcements. Our work focuses on the policies under consideration in the run-up to fiscal events, and what policy decisions and the latest economic outlook (published by the Office for Budget Responsibility) mean for the state of Britain, and household living standards.


James Smith

James Smith

Research Director
T: 0203 372 2956

Mike Brewer

Interim Chief Executive
T: 020 3372 2960

Great expectations in hard times?

Previewing the big decisions for the Chancellor in the new Government’s first Budget


In this briefing note, we put the big decisions faced by Chancellor in the new Government’s pivotal first Budget into context, discussing the new – and old – spending pressures…
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Tough medicine

Assessing the Chancellor’s options in her first Budget

What tax and spend decisions might the Chancellor consider in order to put the public finances on a more even keel, and what might this mean for family finances? Can…
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Back for more?

Putting the 2024 Spring Budget in context


In this briefing note, we put the decisions in the Spring Budget 2024 in context, discussing how the economic outlook has changed, what that means for the public finances, and…
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Game changer?

Assessing the Budget’s economic, and electoral, impact

The upcoming Spring Budget may be the last big fiscal event before the General Election, one of few chances for the government to set the terms of the economic debate.…
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Cutting back on the investment and delivery of public services is not what the economy needs – or what the electorate wants


The Government’s current plans for post-election cuts to public spending look undeliverable given rising prices and increasing demand on services. As discussed below, plans to cap day-to-day spending increases at…
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Tax cuts today, spending cuts tomorrow?

How the Budget might shape the General Election and beyond

An election is coming, and therefore so are tax cuts in the Budget on 6th March. But the size of those tax cuts are dependent on the amount of fiscal…
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A pre-election Statement

Putting the Autumn Statement 2023 in context


In this briefing note, we put the decisions in the 2023 Autumn Statement in context, discussing how the economic outlook has changed, what that means for the public finances, and…
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