
January WorkerTech Roundup

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


Welcome to 2025! We kick off the new year with forecasts from the Resolution Foundation that look at how fiscal and policy decisions taken at the end of last year might affect living standards through this one. However, stories from the year just gone by linger on, as reports emerge of high street retailers having used questionable employment … Continued


December WorkerTech Roundup

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


As some of us wrap up the last full working week of the year, we do so against a background of continual change, transformation and hopeful progress. Our portfolio companies have seen all the above throughout this eventful year, so in this newsletter, we take some time to celebrate the milestones seen by our incredible … Continued


November WorkerTech Roundup

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


November is often considered a month of reflection and gratitude. This may be because you’re amongst our American friends celebrating Thanksgiving this week or because you (like us) are struck by how quickly this year has gone by and can’t help but look back on all the changes this year has seen. This month in particular … Continued


October WorkerTech Roundup

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


This month’s newsletter brings you a world-first. We’ve been working with our friends at Bethnal Green Ventures to create the first market map of WorkerTech innovation in the UK. The State of WorkerTech in the UK report is an in-depth reflection of the social investment activity in the space and a taxonomy of the ventures … Continued


The State of WorkerTech in 2024 – Report by Bethnal Green Ventures in collaboration with Resolution Ventures


Resolution Ventures made its maiden WorkerTech investment in 2019, on what then was the start of much-needed innovation in the world of work.   The following year, we created the WorkerTech Partnership, the UK’s first programme of social investment directed towards improving the lives of those in low-paid and precarious jobs. At the center of the … Continued


WorkerTech Roundup – September 2024

The latest update from Resolution Ventures


I’m Aish, Resolution Ventures’ Ventures Manager and the new author of this monthly newsletter. Here in the UK, nothing says Autumn quite like unpredictable weather, train cancellations and party conferences. As headlines from respective political talks begin to appear in the news cycle, we’re keeping an eye out for announcements and legislation to do with … Continued

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