Labour Market Outlook· Labour market Real-term public sector pay falls are fuelling the recent strikes… but what lies ahead? 15 August 2023 by Nye Cominetti Across the past year, 3.9 million working days have been lost to industrial action– more days than at any point since the 1980s. The Resolution Foundation’s Labour Market Outlook, published today, takes a look at why these strikes are happening… and, crucially, at what’s happening to public sector pay, and how this has fuelled the … Continued READ MORE
Labour Market Outlook· Low pay· Pay Never had it so good? Almost back to peak pay 7 November 2019 by Nye Cominetti The last time pay peaked was in August 2007. Average weekly pay was £513, measured in 2019 prices. Over a decade later, pay is finally set to go higher. In August 2019, the latest month for which we have our most timely earnings data, average weekly pay was £511. With real pay growth at a … Continued READ MORE
Labour Market Outlook· Labour market· Pay Will 2019 see a ‘new dawn’ for pay? 3 February 2019 by Nye Cominetti What does 2019 have in store for pay? 2018 was the year in which we left behind the pay squeeze of 2017. Nominal growth increased throughout the year, reaching 3 per cent for the first time in a decade. Will this momentum continue into 2019? The Bank of England thinks so. It forecasts average pay … Continued READ MORE
Labour Market Outlook· Labour market· Pay Is wage pressure building? 28 March 2018 by Stephen Clarke To what extent is wage growth picking up? This is an important question, not just for people’s pay packets but also for monetary policy makers in the Bank of England who are weighing up when to raise interest rates further. While nominal pay growth has been rising recently (up to 2.6 per cent in year … Continued READ MORE
Labour Market Outlook· Labour market· Pay How is the UK’s pay recovery being shared? 16 November 2015 by Matthew Whittaker After 12 straight months of real-terms growth, the question on pay has shifted from ‘when will it return?’ to ‘how strong and sustainable is it’? Until now, we’ve been unable to dig any deeper to consider the additional question of ‘who’s gaining?’ but we’ll get some early clues from official data out this Wednesday. Could … Continued READ MORE