General Election 2024· Tax· Welfare· Political parties and elections Growing for gold? Analysing the tax and spend package of the 2024 Labour Manifesto 14 June 2024 by Molly Broome and Nye Cominetti and Emily Fry and Tara Goatley and Charlie McCurdy and Simon Pittaway and Hannah Slaughter and James Smith and Lalitha Try …given that, since 2010, we’ve had Brexit, nine business secretaries, seven sets of fiscal rules, and almost annual changes to corporation tax. But the manifesto also includes a suite of… READ MORE
Labour market· Migration The nature of the post-Brexit migration change is different to what many expected 25 May 2023 by Charlie McCurdy The latest migration statistics, covering the year ending December 2022, confirm that the post-Brexit era has brought significant changes in migration patterns. The predictable headline was that overall net migration… READ MORE
Labour market· Pay Real wage growth has finally returned to pre-referendum levels 16 April 2019 by Charlie McCurdy …little sign that any Brexit-related uncertainty has taken its toll on firms’ hiring. The employment rate (76.1 per cent) and unemployment rate (3.9 per cent) hold steady at record highs…. READ MORE
Low pay· Labour market· Pay Minimum Wage 20th anniversary special Top of the Charts 29 March 2019 by Torsten Bell and Charlie McCurdy …party started. The key is choosing something non-Brexit related to celebrate. So we’ve talked everyone around, got all the main political parties on board, and have some fun party games… READ MORE
Labour market· Cities and regions (Almost) every part of the country is celebrating Britain’s latest jobs surge 19 March 2019 by Charlie McCurdy …is set against a complete stagnation in business investment. As Brexit uncertainty heightens, it may be that firms are labour hoarding – investing in staff rather than new equipment. While… READ MORE