General Election 2024· Tax· Welfare· Political parties and elections Growing for gold? Analysing the tax and spend package of the 2024 Labour Manifesto 14 June 2024 by Molly Broome and Nye Cominetti and Emily Fry and Tara Goatley and Charlie McCurdy and Simon Pittaway and Hannah Slaughter and James Smith and Lalitha Try …given that, since 2010, we’ve had Brexit, nine business secretaries, seven sets of fiscal rules, and almost annual changes to corporation tax. But the manifesto also includes a suite of… READ MORE
Monetary policy· Economy and public finances· Tax· Macroeconomic policy· Political parties and elections Talking tax What’s been said and what’s gone unsaid in the Conservative leadership election? 26 July 2022 by Torsten Bell and Adam Corlett Elections are rarely entirely about a single issue, but there are exceptions. Brexit in the 2019 general election stands out, and today tax cuts totally dominate the 2022 Conservative leadership… READ MORE
Living standards· Tax· Welfare· Political parties and elections The choice facing Britain: What the manifestos reveal Thursday 28 November 2019 …to tax and benefits, and their priorities for crime and climate change. And yes, of course, Brexit. What are the big-picture takeaways from each manifesto? How deliverable are the parties’… READ MORE
Wealth & assets· Tax· Political parties and elections The huge Brexit Party tax cut for rich remain areas 16 September 2019 by Adam Corlett and Torsten Bell There are bad ideas, really bad ideas – and then there’s abolishing inheritance tax. This is the new top priority announced by the Brexit Party – one of only two… READ MORE
Living standards· Prices & consumption· Brexit & trade· Tax After Brexit the UK could cut VAT on energy – but should it? 2 September 2019 by Adam Corlett …could consider: 1) Give money to those in poverty Beyond demonstrating that some things are possible post-Brexit that weren’t before, what is the goal of the policy? Based on the… READ MORE
Incomes· Tax· Political parties and elections Tax cuts for the rich is not the answer to the questions 21st century Britain is asking 10 June 2019 by Torsten Bell …Further widening the gap between the rich and poor is an odd lesson to draw from the UK’s experience of financial crisis and Brexit. The policy detail also risks running… READ MORE
Tax New year, new era: tax and spend in 21st Century Britain 3 April 2019 by Torsten Bell and Resolution Foundation Analysis …are obscured by the political fog of war. Or Brexit, as it’s currently known. But noticed or not, the financial year starting this Saturday will mark the end of an… READ MORE
Wealth & assets· Tax How wealth taxes can raise billions more without scaring any horses 3 January 2019 by Torsten Bell and Adam Corlett …if the politics of Brexit and a governing party without a majority make wholesale reform of headline wealth taxes difficult, significant progress can be made across five big areas of… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Economy and public finances· Tax The Chancellor may have one arm tied behind his back, but there are still tax levers he can pull 21 October 2018 by Adam Corlett How can a government with a tenuous majority, an intra-party feud and Brexit uncertainty find the money to ‘end austerity’ on top of more than £20 billion a year it… READ MORE
Public spending· Tax· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Britain is set to replace the era of austerity with a new era of tax rises 7 October 2018 by David Willetts …build a better Britain, repairing our contract between generations with everyone, young and old, making a contribution and having a stake in society. If the Brexit referendum has taught us… READ MORE
Wealth & assets· Tax Entrepreneurs’ Relief has cost £22 billion over the past 10 years. Was it worth it? 29 August 2018 by Adam Corlett …when the standard CGT rates were cut, lowering the value of the relief by reducing the tax that was due in the first place). In ‘Brexit bus’ terms, that’s over… READ MORE
Tax· Political parties and elections A matter of tax: pre-election briefing on the main parties’ tax policies 16 May 2017 by Adam Corlett There is much that is unusual about the 2017 general election, from its surprise announcement to the dominance of a single issue – Brexit – on which the parties themselves… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Tax· Intergenerational Centre Inheritances and gifts: The generational challenge facing the Chancellor at this week’s Autumn Statement 21 November 2016 by Laura Gardiner …who claim that the Brexit decision was imposed by an older generation, insulated from its effects, onto a younger one. When it comes to Brexit at least, we’re all in… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Labour market· Tax Will the Chancellor replace employer National Insurance with a payroll levy? 5 October 2016 by Adam Corlett …Chancellor, the economic implications of the Brexit vote and the resetting of fiscal policy for the rest of the parliament, there will be plenty to watch out for. But despite… READ MORE