Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Poll Position How intergenerational voting intentions have changed since the 2019 General Election 7 February 2024 by Camron Aref-Adib and Sophie Hale …elections: Brexit loomed large, an issue with distinctly age-divided views. This note investigates where we are now, picking out five big intergenerational shifts that have occurred since the last general… READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre A return to boom and bust (in births) How birth cycles will affect public spending pressures over the coming decade 15 October 2021 by Maja Gustafsson and David Willetts …the UK enters a decade of monumental change as it takes on the challenges of Brexit, Covid-19 and the Net Zero transition, it will need to prepare its workers for… READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Bridging divides? Analysing the 2019 general election from a generational perspective 4 December 2019 by Maja Gustafsson and Laura Gardiner This spotlight article looks at the 2019 general election from a generational perspective. Age has become increasingly important for party choice over recent decades, with the Brexit vote turbo-charging these… READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Generation Pinched? Book launch for the new edition of The Pinch, by David Willetts Tuesday 5 November 2019 …generational equity healing or fracturing further in modern Britain? How are families responding to the tough economic climate facing millennials? And does a political system, dominated by Brexit, in which… READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre What is generational fairness? David Runciman speech on intergenerational fairness and political representation 21 October 2019 by Professor David Runciman …At Labour’s Conference, young members want more radical change (notably on Brexit) while the older members are more cautious, including the party leadership. The Conservatives have an older membership and… READ MORE
Prices & consumption· Intergenerational Centre Life as a millennial is far less extravagant than you might think 20 June 2019 by Laura Gardiner …– expect. So alongside Brexit, turning this picture around has to be a top priority for whoever the next resident of No.10 is – especially if they plan on winning… READ MORE
Demographics· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections My Generation, Baby: The Politics of Age in Brexit Britain 29 March 2019 by Laura Gardiner and Torsten Bell …a post‐Brexit political narrative that avoids all future outcomes and choices being refracted through the age cleavage that defined the Brexit decision itself. The parties could also tap into strong… READ MORE
Wealth & assets· Housing· Intergenerational Centre The Bank of Mum and Dad pays out at least three times in life 4 December 2018 by Torsten Bell Times change, Britain changes, and it doesn’t stop changing just because we’re all naturally obsessed by Brexit. Our need to understand and respond to those changes is as big as… READ MORE
Public spending· Tax· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Britain is set to replace the era of austerity with a new era of tax rises 7 October 2018 by David Willetts …build a better Britain, repairing our contract between generations with everyone, young and old, making a contribution and having a stake in society. If the Brexit referendum has taught us… READ MORE
Demographics· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Demography is the new class war 21 September 2018 by Torsten Bell The real question about this year’s Labour Party conference is what on earth everyone will talk about for four days. The supposed Brexit barney will be a damp squib and… READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre We need to start the huge task of renewing Britain’s contract between generations 8 May 2018 by Torsten Bell Politics today is one of big questions, but few answers. On Brexit that is true in bucket loads. For the Conservatives that is because they simply do not agree with… READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre Repairing Britain’s generational divide: The Intergenerational Commission’s Final Report launch Tuesday 8 May 2018 From the Brexit vote and the shock election result last year to the housing crisis and Britain’s painful pay squeeze – the issue of intergenerational fairness has hit centre stage… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Economy and public finances· Intergenerational Centre How Philip Hammond can strike a blow for intergenerational fairness in his Budget 13 November 2017 by Laura Gardiner …the post-Brexit deal. But rather this use this to justify a steady as she goes affair, we’re told it will be a ‘bold’ and ‘revolutionary’ Budget. So what’s he going… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Economy and public finances· Welfare· Intergenerational Centre A Budget for intergenerational fairness? 10 November 2017 by Laura Gardiner Beyond facing down expected economic downgrades and clarifying the direction on Brexit, resetting the agenda on intergenerational fairness has emerged as a top priority for the Chancellor in this month’s… READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections The millennials and politics: are they getting into the swing of it? 9 June 2017 by Torsten Bell …been underestimated is quite how big an impact that outsider status would have with the young. In particular, the combination of the Brexit vote and Corbyn’s election as Labour leader… READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Can political parties capture the hearts and minds of young and old alike on polling day? 1 June 2017 by Laura Gardiner All elections have a theme. The last two were fought on living standards and the deficit. This one is about Brexit first and foremost. But there are other issues bubbling… READ MORE
Social care· Intergenerational Centre Sticking plasters are welcome but, for the sake of all generations, a long-term solution for social care is required 10 March 2017 by Laura Gardiner …sake of renewing our intergenerational social contract – the task the Prime Minister has put front-and-centre for those shaping post-Brexit Britain – welcome short-term relief for social care must now… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Economy and public finances· Intergenerational Centre A Spring Budget for young, old and those in between? 6 March 2017 by Laura Gardiner …a key task for those shaping the politics and economics of post-Brexit Britain. Wednesday’s update from the Chancellor will give us the latest picture on both fronts. This post originally… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Tax· Intergenerational Centre Inheritances and gifts: The generational challenge facing the Chancellor at this week’s Autumn Statement 21 November 2016 by Laura Gardiner …who claim that the Brexit decision was imposed by an older generation, insulated from its effects, onto a younger one. When it comes to Brexit at least, we’re all in… READ MORE
Labour market· Intergenerational Centre Millennials facing ‘generational pay penalty’ as their earnings fall £8,000 behind during their 20s 18 July 2016 …notes such a pessimistic scenario could emerge if the short-term economic outlook worsens as a result of Brexit, the weak productivity outlook forecast by the OBR earlier this year persists,… READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections Repairing the painful fractures between generations will be a crucial task for the new Prime Minister 3 July 2016 by David Willetts and Torsten Bell There’s a lot to do, and no-one around to do it. That’s the conclusion from Britain’s first week as a country on a course for Brexit. Most debate, and financial… READ MORE
Welfare· Intergenerational Centre Brexit defeat for millennials risks being compounded by huge tax and benefit transfer from young to old 3 July 2016 RF says repairing generational divide a crucial task for new PM as it announces new Intergenerational Commission The next Prime Minister must repair the stark intergenerational divide exposed by the… READ MORE