Living standards The Living Standards Outlook 2021 18 January 2021 by Mike Brewer and Adam Corlett and Karl Handscomb and Daniel Tomlinson …of economy support closely to the easing of the public health restrictions, a strong fiscal stimulus, and moving a post-Brexit and post-Covid UK onto a path of faster productivity growth…. READ MORE
Housing Housing Outlook Q1 2020 30 January 2020 by Cara Pacitti and Daniel Tomlinson …despite the improvement in sentiment following the election result and the partial closure on Brexit, our analysis suggests that London’s housing market isn’t about to rapidly heat-up again. On house… READ MORE
Budgets & fiscal events· Public spending· Economy and public finances Breaking the rules Analysing the credibility of the Chancellor’s commitment to keep to his fiscal rules 31 August 2019 by Daniel Tomlinson and Torsten Bell …basis the UK may leave the EU is also highly questionable. The impact of different Brexit scenarios on the size of our economy should help policy makers decide how much… READ MORE
Firms· Productivity & industrial strategy· Economy and public finances· Economic growth Time to concentrate on our capitalism 26 July 2018 by Torsten Bell and Daniel Tomlinson Our politicians are anxious. And not just because no-one has a decent poll lead or idea where Brexit will end up. No, some are finding the time to get anxious… READ MORE
Firms· Productivity & industrial strategy· Economic growth Is everybody concentrating? Recent trends in product and labour market concentration in the UK 26 July 2018 by Daniel Tomlinson and Torsten Bell …the fact that much of our competition regime’s policy and enforcement work is managed by the EU. Brexit may very well change this, adding to the imperative for an up… READ MORE
Labour market “Ordinary, working people” and the rise of self-employment 20 July 2016 by Daniel Tomlinson …are quite small. For these people, the hope must be that the UK economy generates more full-time roles. Though, of course, the post-Brexit turmoil may have just made that harder,… READ MORE