Intergenerational Centre Many helping hands How intergenerational transfers support lifetime living standards Thursday 21 November 2024 Transfers between generations – from care given to younger or older relatives, to gifts, inheritances and a roof over one’s head – play a vital role in society. But despite their importance to family living standards, they are often misunderstood. If we’re to better appreciate how modern Britain operates, we need to understand the economic significance of these intergenerational transfers, and what they mean for individuals and families. READ MORE
Demographics· Intergenerational Centre· Political parties and elections New age or age-old appeal How different generations view the parties and issues that will determine the General Election Wednesday 7 February 2024 In recent decades age has replaced class as one of the key determinants of a voter’s values and voting behaviour. But these trends never sit still, especially as issues – from Europe to the environment, and the economy – rise and fall in terms of their electoral salience. We know that the next election will … Continued READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre Perma-crisis people The divergent economic prospects between generations Monday 13 November 2023 Advanced economies across the globe have experienced a series of unprecedented economic shocks since the start of the century. But they have not affected all generations equally. The disproportionate impact on the financial wellbeing of younger people has sparked concerns about generational fairness on both sides of the Atlantic. Fifteen years on from the global … Continued READ MORE
Demographics· Intergenerational Centre War or peace? How the public views Britain’s generational strains – and the policy responses to them Wednesday 13 September 2023 There is overwhelming evidence that Britain’s social contract is under strain. Young people today aren’t enjoying big generational living standards improvements, and are struggling to match lifecycle milestones that previous cohorts enjoyed, like a secure job and a home that they own. These problems are widely recognised – but that doesn’t mean that solutions are … Continued READ MORE
Demographics· Intergenerational Centre Making your voice heard? How different generations participate in politics Thursday 30 March 2023 Part of the ESRC funded Connecting Generations Thought Leader series. The political context in which people grow up can play a hugely influential role in how that age cohort participate in democracy. From the dominance of different political parties and prevalence of strikes and protests, to the distribution of information and ideas through social media, the … Continued READ MORE
Demographics· Fiscal policy· Intergenerational Centre Wealth booms and debt burdens How Britain’s recent economic history and outlook affects different generations Wednesday 11 January 2023 Part of the ESRC funded Connecting Generations Thought Leader series. The financial crisis is largely considered to have increased inequalities between generations, with rising public debt leading to higher taxes for future generations, while the gains from rising asset prices have been accrued by older generations. Private intergenerational wealth transfers have grown – notably through … Continued READ MORE
Living standards· Labour market· Wealth & assets· Housing· Intergenerational Centre Mortgaged millennials to bitterly cold boomers Assessing the cost of living crisis across generations Monday 14 November 2022 Rising energy bills are with us and rising mortgage bills are on the way. While wages are falling far behind inflation, debates rage about whether benefits or the state pension should do the same. Older workers have not returned to the labour market post-Covid, while younger workers may suffer most from the unemployment rise the … Continued READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Boomers, snowflakes and avocado on toast Are generational stereotypes harming our futures? Wednesday 6 July 2022 Connecting Generations Thought Leader Talk | Professor Bobby Duffy, King’s College London Are Baby Boomers stealing their children’s futures? Are Millennials really entitled ‘snowflakes’? Are Generation X the saddest generation? Will Generation Z fix the climate crisis? Are any of these labels and assigned characteristics helpful? Or are they damaging our ability to bring generations … Continued READ MORE
Pensions & savings· Intergenerational Centre Family fortunes How intergenerational giving is changing us Thursday 3 February 2022 Inheritances have always been used to give relatives a financial boost. But they look set to be a growing part of 21st Century Britain as household wealth booms, particularly for older cohorts. This brings with it change for younger people, whose lifetime living standards may increasingly be shaped by the inheritances or gifts they receive … Continued READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Covid cohorts How have different generations fared in the second half of the pandemic? Thursday 21 October 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic has touched everyone’s lives, but has been felt differently across generations. And while the first half of the pandemic was marked by lockdowns to curb rising infections and deaths, the second half has been marked by the vaccine rollout and the reopening of the economy. The second half of the pandemic will … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Demographics· Intergenerational Centre Boomers and boomerangs The past and pandemic present of multi-generational living Monday 21 June 2021 The Covid-19 pandemic has had huge impacts on young people. Many have been furloughed, while others have lost their job or been unable to find one in the first place. And everyone has heard stories about how coping with these difficulties has seen many young people return to live with their parents. So-called ‘boomerangs’, opting … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Intergenerational Centre Covid secure? Older workers during the pandemic Monday 26 April 2021 The age spread of labour market damage from the Covid-induced economic crisis is distinctly U shaped. The youngest workers have been worst affected, accounting for two-thirds of the fall in payrolled employment. But older workers have also been hard hit and the challenges they face from job losses are significant – from longer periods of … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Living standards· Intergenerational Centre Lives, livelihoods and lifestyles The impact of the covid crisis across generations Thursday 8 October 2020 The COVID-19 crisis has cost tens of thousands of lives, millions of people’s livelihoods and upended everyone’s daily life. While younger generations have the lowest health risk from the virus, the Resolution Foundation’s Intergenerational Audit – the first comprehensive assessment of how the crisis has affected different generations across society – will provide fresh analysis … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Intergenerational Centre All in this together again? The impact of the covid policy response across generations Thursday 10 September 2020 Live interactive webinar. The overall scale of the Government’s policy response to the crisis is well known, from tens of billions spent on the Job Retention Scheme to significant increases in benefit levels. But it’s impact across generations is less well understood. How effective has Government policy been at supporting the incomes of different cohorts? … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Intergenerational Centre The corona class of 2020 How to support young people leaving education amid the crisis Monday 11 May 2020 Economic downturns can affect anyone’s job prospects, but history shows that young people are the worst hit. This is especially true for those who have the misfortune to leave education during a crisis – their pay levels and career prospects can remain scarred many years after the storm has passed. What are the challenges facing … Continued READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Lending a hand Family support amid rising life expectancy Monday 11 November 2019 The Resolution Foundation will host an expert panel to discuss the changes a longer life will bring to our families. The panel – including Baroness Camilla Cavendish, journalist and author of Extra Time – will be chaired by Lord David Willetts. READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Generation Pinched? Book launch for the new edition of The Pinch, by David Willetts Tuesday 5 November 2019 In 2010 David Willetts published The Pinch, the first book to warn that younger generations in Britain were losing out to the baby boomers. Ten years on, Lord Willetts has revised and updated The Pinch, drawing on new evidence from the Resolution Foundation. The evidence is even more overwhelming – and the problem is more … Continued READ MORE
Demographics· Cities and regions· Intergenerational Centre Ageing fast, ageing slow When Britain’s geography and demography collide Monday 28 October 2019 Britain is getting older. Life expectancy is rising and, with Britain’s large post-war baby boomer generation now moving into retirement, a growing proportion of our population are pensioners. But not all parts of Britain are ageing at the same pace, and some are actually getting younger. These major demographic differences between places are profoundly important … Continued READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre Paying it forward, and handing it back Understanding equity between generations Monday 14 October 2019 In the first of a series of events focused on intergenerational fairness, a panel of experts explore whether Britain does have a generational contract, and what that means for our politics, economics and society. READ MORE
Social care· Intergenerational Centre Tackling Britain’s care crisis What would a cross-party, long-term plan look like? Thursday 11 July 2019 How can we push forward a sustainable solution to Britain’s care crisis? Event with speakers including former Deputy Prime Minister Damian Green, former Shadow Minister for Care Liz Kendall, and former Minister for Care Norman Lamb. READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre A lifetime of living standards Launch of the Intergenerational Centre and inaugural Intergenerational Audit Thursday 20 June 2019 To mark the launch of the Intergenerational Centre, led by Lord David Willetts, we published our inaugural Intergenerational Audit, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, to provide an up-to-date take on the big intergenerational issues facing 21st Century Britain. READ MORE
Housing· Intergenerational Centre Moving on up Has Britain’s housing crisis made us a less mobile nation? Thursday 6 June 2019 We presented research on the impact of recent housing trends on young people’s pay and job prospects. A panel of experts, including Liz Truss, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, then discussed the issues raised from the research. READ MORE
Intergenerational Centre New threats to an age-old problem: How poverty varies across our generations and lifecycles Wednesday 22 May 2019 The nature and timing of poverty varies much more than we think between generations and over the lifecycle. Understanding these shifts is crucial if we are to make the right interventions to reduce poverty throughout society. READ MORE
Labour market· Intergenerational Centre The hangover: Why young workers can’t shake off the recession Monday 13 May 2019 Monday 13 May, 9.30-10.45am, Resolution Foundation offices, Westminster All recessions hurt, but they hurt different groups differently. The young are often worst affected, whether by high youth unemployment, low starting salaries or painful pay squeezes. Ten years on from the financial crisis it’s time to take stock of how lasting the effect has been on … Continued READ MORE
Living standards· Intergenerational Centre Re-assessing the Generational Contract: Examining intergenerational equity across advanced economies Monday 14 May 2018 Monday 14 May, 9.30am-5.30pm, Resolution Foundation offices, St James Park Questions about intergenerational equity have risen up the economic and political agenda in recent years. From why the rapid generation-on-generation incomes gains of the 20th century have ended, to how the market and state should respond to ageing populations, these are some of the biggest … Continued READ MORE