Budgets & fiscal events· Fiscal policy Turbulent times How should the Chancellor respond to recent movements in the gilt market? 10 January 2025 by Emily Fry and Cara Pacitti Turbulent gilt markets, a devaluing pound and speculation about the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) downgrading its economic forecasts is not the start to 2025 the Chancellor was hoping for. What is causing all the fuss? On 9 January, the UK 10-year gilt yield closed at 4.8 per cent, up from 4.58 per cent just … Continued READ MORE
Housing Five things you need to know about the state of English housing 14 July 2023 by Cara Pacitti Housing has been centre-stage in recent years, whether during the ‘stay at home’ orders of the pandemic, high energy prices that put pressure on the ability of many to heat their homes, or high rental asking prices and rising interest rates now feeding through into mortgage costs. Yesterday, new data releases from the Department for … Continued READ MORE