Living standards· Time use The time of your life Time use in London and the UK over the past 40 years 28 July 2020 by George Bangham and Maja Gustafsson Few things in life are equal, but each day every one of us has 24 hours of time to use. How time is best spent has been the subject of an active public debate in recent years, and this question has been thrown still further into the limelight by the disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic. … Continued READ MORE
Covid-19· Living standards· Time use Time with the kids How parents’ time use has changed during the pandemic 13 July 2020 by George Bangham Many aspects of people’s time use have been turned upside down by the coronavirus lockdown. Some restrictions are now being unwound, but others, like limits on the availability of professional childcare, will continue, with particular consequences for how parents of different genders use their time. Indeed, data collected during the lockdown suggests that while job … Continued READ MORE
Labour market· Time use The times they aren’t a-changin’ Why working hours have stopped falling in London and the UK 18 January 2020 by George Bangham For the typical British adult, paid work takes up more time than any other activity save sleep. How many hours someone works per week is important both for their family’s income and for the way they live their lives. Over the past 200 years average working hours have gradually declined, so that the typical worker … Continued READ MORE